Codatech, Inc.
KuKu Web Application Framework
* * *   BETA TESTING   * * *

* * D R A F T * *
(a work in progress)

Application Overview

KuKu provides a web application framework for developing applications. The framework is platform independent. An application developed with KuKu will run on any platform supported by KuKu with no code changes. Intended primarily for Android systems, KuKu also runs on MS-Windows, Linux / Unix, and Macs. The framework includes a built-in web server (HTTP and HTTPS). Standard browsers are used for the user interface. A template processor is used to build web pages for the user interface. KuKu applications can be accessed from any system that has a browser. Applications are multi-user accessible using standard network communications. Perl is the language used for application development (no sdk needed).

A file manager is included:


When installed, KuKu creates several folders and files. The file manager and developer modules are installed similar to how any KuKu application is installed.


image Contains image files used by the file manager. Image files for new applications should be in sub-folders here.
src Contains template files for the file manager. Template, Perl module, and configuration files for new applications will be in sub-folders here.
perl For Perl modules installed by new applications to be shared by multiple applications
install Application installation packages.
KuKu log files.
Other miscellaneous files used by KuKu.
debug.ftl - if exists, kuku does not reinstall the file manager and developer when starting.
install/upload Used internally by the file manager. When files are uploaded, they go here while uploading and are then moved to the appropriate destination when upload completes.
share Reserved for a module in the file manager. (Currently not used, this module is being redesigned).
application root directory Reserved for KuKu configuration. All application files should be in sub-folders.
ku.cfg - configuration for KuKu system, file manager, and web servers (HTTP and HTTPS).
ku1.cfg - default configuration

KuKu configuration file definition

KuKu system and file manager
apps= List of installed applications (for main menu)
build=YYYYMMDD KuKu build date
files_path= Path to KuKu root directory
keepAlive=seconds For devices with dynamic IP addresses. The IP address is periodically rechecked and configuration entries are updated when it changes.
log= File path for HTTP server log
portmask=8*** Generate port number for the HTTP server. One to three asterisks can be used to make port number unique when multiple KuKu devices are behind a nat router which uses port forwarding. The last one to three digits of the device IP address is used in place of the asterisks.
port= The resulting port number created by the portmask (updated each time KuKu is started).
pwdAdmin= Password for admin. Full access.
pwdRead= Password for read access. Can see most files, but update nothing. Cannot see configuration page.
pwdWrite= Password for read / write access. Can view / update most files. Cannot see configuration page.
version= KuKu installed version
install= Timestamp set when installed
javaPath= Java bin folder path on non-Android systems. Needed if running the HTTPS (SSL) server.
javaVersion= Set to version of installed java system. Checked each time KuKu starts.
HTTP Server
home=. Internal use (don't change)
reuse=1 Internal use (don't change)
mime=mime.txt Mime definition file path
log=http.log Will write log information to this file if file exists. Create empty file to activate logging (requires restart). Change name to end logging (requires restart). Take care using this log. It contains REQ data in plain text, which could be a security problem.
maxheader=5000 Requests with headers larger than this number will be rejected.
maxpost=100000 Requests with posted data larger than this number will be rejected.
gzip= Regex used to determine what mime types can be compressed.
port= Port number for HTTP access. Will use either 8000 or 8080 if the selected port can't be accessed.
HTTPS (SSL) Server
sslCertPwd= Certificate password
sslKeyset= Keyset file path
sslKeysetPwd= Keyset file password
sslKeystore=BKS Keystore type. Android requires Bouncy Kastle. Can use JKS on MS-Windows.
sslLog= SSL log file path. (Viewable only by admin user).
sslPort= Port number for HTTPS access. If not specified, the HTTPS server does not run.
Dynamic DNS
dnsHost= Dynamic Host name (
dnsUser= Dyndns user login name
dnsPassword= Dyndns user password
dnsStatus= Status set when DNS / IP updates are done
dnsMyIP= IP address used for the last Dyndns update
myLocalIP= Local network IP address (set each time KuKu starts)
myPublicIP= IP address for internet access to your KuKu device (set when KuKu starts, and each time it is found to change - based on keepAlive)

src folder - source files

kuku.cfg KuKu system configuration
*.ftl Template files
mime.txt Mime definitions for web server
kuku.bks Sample keyset file (bouncy castle format). This keyset is for testing only. It is self-signed by Codatech. For production SSL use, you must create your own certificate and keyset file, whether self-signed or officially signed.
sub-folders A sub-folder in the src folder is created for each custom application. An application consists of a configuration file, and one or more template files and Perl modules. Additional folders can be created for files used by the application.
*.cfg Application configuration
   app:name Application name
   app:version Version
   app:date Date created Application title for the main menu Image file path for icon for the main menu
   install:path.* One entry for each file to be included in the application release package. To create a folder with no files - folder-name/.void

System Access

Android local user MS-Windows local user Remote user User login - password

File Manager

Browse Folders Browse Files
- click on folder name to browse the folder
- click on file name for file menu View / Edit Configuration Exit - go to main application menu

Application Functional Characteristics

User Sessions

A session is created for each user login. Every page sent to the browser includes a token to uniquely identify the user and each request sent to the server. When an HTTP POST request is sent to the server, the token is signed and the signature included with the request. When the server receives a request, it validates the token signature and then uses the token to identify the user session and begins processing the request. Any request that fails validation will redirect to the login page. Session data for the application can be saved between requests. Any template defined in the SESSION: namespace will be saved between session requests.


HTTP GET requests are used to return files to the browser. There are limitations on what type of files can be returned. Image files are allowed. Most other files are not allowed.

Web pages are produced with templates. All HTTP POST requests use a URL with a special format to identify a template to use for processing the request. The URL format is /ftl/file/page. The /ftl indicates a template request. The /file indicates the template file. The file is searched for first as src/file.ftl. If not found, then it looks for src/file/file.ftl. The /page identifies the template in the file, which will process the request. If the URL begins with /FTL/ (uppercase), the request will be processed in a child process, and the web server will continue processing new requests while processing this request continues. Otherwise, other requests will wait until this request completes. The content-type for the response will be text/html.

Each custom application will have a main template file. For small applications, all the templates can be included in that one file. For larger applications, the templates should be divided into multiple files. All requests for that application will reference first the main template file. Directives in the template file can then include other template files as needed for processing the request.

Request processing begins with creating a template object. The template definitions from the indicated template file are then loaded into the template object. Templates are defined for each item in the HTTP header and added to the template object. Some additional templates will be defined for HTTP data provided by the web server. These templates will be defined in the HTTP: namespace. Example:
All form data from the request will be defined as templates and added to the template object. These templates will be defined in the REQ: namespace. Example:
     REQ:myfield=some data
Fields with names ending with '_q' are encrypted when the request is sent to the KuKu server. The server decrypts the fields and adds template definitions for the plain text named without the '_q' on the end. Example:
     REQ:private_q=encrypted text
     REQ:private=plain text
Any templates defined in previous requests within the SESSION: namespace are copied to the template object.

Perl modules referenced by templates are compiled on the first reference. If referenced from a child process, the compiled code is discarded when the child process is complete, and a reference from another request will result in another compile. When testing/debugging during development, modules used only by child processes can be updated while the server is running. Updating modules referenced from the main process will require the KuKu server to be restarted for the updated module to be recompiled.

When SSL is not used and data in the web page must be private, the template definitions for each data item must be encrypted. The encryption functions encrypt ASCII only; Unicode characters pass through in plain text. This method of securing data does not provide the same level of protection as SSL, but is an available alternative when there are reasons for not using SSL. The programmer must determine if this provides sufficient security for the application. Example:
pm:secure(field from to) <<
Task::encryptField($ftl, '%field%_q', '%from%', '%to%');

data() <<
%pm:secure(name plain:fld secure:fld)%
  <input type=text name=name_q value="%secure:fld%">


Template processing produces a web page, which will be sent to the browser. The web server determines the items needed in the response header and defines templates fore each in the RESP: namespace. Example:
The response is then formatted for return to the browser using the RESP: templates and the web page text from the template processing. The response is sent to the browser. Any templates defined in the SESSION: namespace are saved for the session. The request processing is then complete.


KuKu handles Unicode in utf-8 encoding. Request data, templates and user files can all contain utf-8 data.

Web Server

The web server supports the standard HTTP protocol. It is designed to be used specifically for web applications. Although it can be used for building web sites, most features of a web server specific to building web sites are not included.

When a request is received, the server creates a template object, which will be used to process the request. Template definitions for all the data from the request are added to the object.
  Request Header
      All header items
  Request Body
      All fields from form
  Response Header
    RESP:date=Day, dd Mth yyyy hh:mm:ss GMT


SSL is supported with a separate server. It processes HTTP GET requests as a web server. It processes HTTP POST requests (/ftl) as a proxy, passing the request to the main HTTP server, and forwarding the response back to the browser.

The SSL log file contains request data as received from the browser with HTTPS items appended to the header. Only users logged in as admin can see the log file.

The certificate installed with KuKu is self-signed by Codatech, and should be used for testing purposes only. These are example keytool commands for creating certificates.
    Self-signed - Android requires BKS
      keytool -genkey
        -keyalg RSA
        -alias kukukey
        -keypass kukuKey
        -keystore kuku.bks
        -storepass kukuKey
        -validity 9999
        -storetype BKS
        -providerClass org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider
        -providerpath bcprov-jdk16-145.jar

    Self-signed - JKS - non-Android
      keytool -genkey
        -alias kukukey
        -keypass kukuKey
        -keystore kuku.jks
        -storepass kukuKey
        -validity 9999
        -keyalg RSA   (?default)
        -storetype JKS  (?default)

      keytool -list -v
        -keystore kuku.bks
        -storetype BKS
        -providerClass org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider
        -providerpath bcprov-jdk16-145.jar

Dynamic DNS


Template Processing

When a /ftl/file/page request is received from the browser, the template processor will be used to produce the html page which will be returned to the browser. The /file identifies which template file will be used. The /page identifies which template definition will be processed to produce the web page.

Template processing begins with the creation of a template object. Template definitions are then loaded from the template file into the object. While reading the template file, directives and template definitions are processed in the order they are encountered in the file.

If while reading one file, a directive is encountered to read another, reading the first file is suspended, and the next file is read. Reading the first file will resume when the second file is complete. The :PACKAGE template definition is saved while reading the second file and restored after. The effect is the same as if the second file was pasted into the first at the point where the read directive was encountered.

The template definition determined by the URL is then processed. The text of the template is copied. Any directive encountered will be processed and any text produced by the directive will be inserted in the text of the template in place of the directive. Any reference to another template will copy the text produced by processing that template in place of the reference to it. Template processing is recursive and template references can be nested to any level (within practical limits, such as available memory).

Directives can be included to call application modules (Perl), which get additional information based on the request being processed. The modules define additional templates for the data. The modules can be called in a global manner from the template file as it is being read, applicable to all requests. Most modules will be called from within a template definition in a manner local to the request being processed.

The result of the template processing is the web page that will be sent to the browser as the response to the requested URL.

Template Files

A template file is simply a list of directives and template definitions. Any line beginning with a # is a comment and ignored. Any blank lines are ignored. Any invalid directives or definitions are ignored (no error messages). Template files will usually have an .ftl extension, but any names can be used. KuKu configuration files, for example, have a .cfg extension although they are actually template files.

All the template definitions for a small application can be in a single template file. For most applications, it makes sense to group templates into multiple files. With multiple files, templates that are used globally for all requests can be in the applications main template file. A template named PAGE contains the name of the page referenced by the requested URL. It can be used to read additional template files specific to that request.
    # Main templates for application

    # Directives
    # Definitions

Definitions and References

A template definition is basically a name / value pair (both are strings). The name is alphanumeric. The underscore ( _ ) is also allowed. The value can be any character string. The simplest definition fits on one line:
References to other templates can be anywhere in the template. A reference begins with a % followed by the name of the referenced template, some optional parameters, ending with another %.
    def2=here is some %def1%.
A definition can specify parameters for which arguments can be supplied when invoking the template.
    def3(arg1 arg2)=The args are %arg1% and %arg2%.
The definition can specify an argument count rather than names. This will create arguments named as 1_, 2_, etc.
    def3(2)=The args are %1_% and %2_%.
The argument list in a reference can be either space delimited or tab delimited. When space delimited, each argument must be one word or must be quoted. Data templates created by application modules can easily tab delimit the data. Tab characters within template text are easily confused with spaces. A template %t% is used instead, which is defined as the tab character. If a reference has a single argument with spaces, it must be quoted. Another syntax allows for definitions requiring multiple lines:
    def4() <<
      some stuff.
      and this: %def3("first thing" "%def2%")%
      and more: %def3(more stuff here %t% %def2%)%
      more stuff.
The text of a template definition does not include the last line-feed character at the end of the definition. If a line-feed is needed at the end, a %n% template is defined as the line-feed character.
    def3(2)=The args are %1_% and %2_%.%n%
When a template reference does not include enough arguments for the template, the template is not processed and an empty string is returned. A list of numbers can be created for arguments in the format: n..n. When a template reference includes more arguments than are defined for the template, the arguments are divided into groups and multiple references are made to the template.
    %def3(one two three four 5..8)%
Will produce:
The args are one and two.
The args are three and four.
The args are 5 and 6.
The args are 7 and 8.
A reference can apply a Regex to a template.
    RE:phone= (\d{3})(\d{4}) :: %1_%-%2_%
    myphone(num)=phone: %num/RE:phone%%n%
    %myphone(5551234 8887890)%
Will produce:
phone: 555-1234
phone: 888-7890
Prefix the template name in a reference with a ! to test a condition:
If the reference returns text, the text is replaced with an empty string. If the reference returns an empty string, a string with the single character '1' is returned.

A directive within a template is identified with a % and a directive code at the beginning of the line. The directive includes the entire line.
    def5() <<
Templates can be organized into logical arrays by appending a subscript value to the name.
    part(x)=the part [%x%] = %mybox.x%
In the above example, mybox is the array name, and mybox.wide is one entry in the array. A template defined with the value of an array index is appended to the array name to reference a specific entry in the array. A reference to %part(wide)% would return "the part [wide] = 4". A template is automatically defined for the array name with a list of all the array indexes in the order they were defined.


Namespaces are used to organize template definitions. Definitions that do not explicitly specify a namespace are defined in a default namespace. The initial default namespace is main:. These two definitions are equivalent:
The default namespace is defined by a special template named :PACKAGE. The :PACKAGE definition is saved before reading another file and restored when reading is compete. The default can be changed by redefining :PACKAGE. The colon (:) on :PACKAGE is assumed when defining it. The following will define a template named mySpace:mydef.
Multiple levels of namespaces are supported.
    OUR:global:header=my title stuff
    pm:module1:func=some code
Several predefined namespaces have special functionality.

main: The initial default namespace
RAW: Any templates in the RAW: namespace are copied as is. No embedded directives or references will be processed.
OUR: OUR: templates are processed in the context of the referring template.
SESSION: Templates in the SESSION: namespace are saved by the web server between requests.
pm: The definition for a pm: template is Perl code. When referenced, the template will be processed and the resulting code will be compiled and executed. This occurs on every reference to the template.
: An unnamed namespace is used for some internal definitions.

Special templates used for namespace management.

:PACKAGE Defines the default namespace. :PACKAGE maintains the namespace context. Template definitions or references that do not specify a namespace use the namespace defined by :PACKAGE. When a template reference is being processed, :PACKAGE is set to the namespace of the template being processed. The :PACKAGE definition will be restored to the referring namespace when the processing is complete. References to templates in the OUR: namespace are processed in the context of the referring template. The :PACKAGE definition will not be changed for references to the OUR: namespace.
:PARENT Defines the previous namespace context. Template references that do not specify a namespace are searched for first in the namespace specified by :PACKAGE. If not found, the namespace specified by :PARENT is searched.

Template Directives

Directives in a template file are processed when that file is read. Directives in a template definition are processed when that definition is referenced. Directives start at the beginning of a line an end at the first line-feed. A directive embedded in a template definition must begin with a % character.

<file Read definitions from file. A template, :PathFTL, defines paths for searching for template files (if undefined, defaults to '.').
<%mydef% Read definitions from a template. If the result of a template reference is a name with no line-feed, it is the name of a file containing the definitions. If the text contains any line-feeds, it is the actual text of the definitions.
<file defname Read file into definition. A template is defined for defname, which will contain the entire text from the file.
>file defname The result of %defname% will be written to the file.
>>file defname Same, but appends to file.
-defname Delete the template definition defname
@module::sub Call Perl module::sub(\$ftl). The call provides a reference to the template object. A template, :PathPM, defines paths for searching for Perl modules (if undefined, defaults to '.').

Template Objects Within Application Modules

The web server creates a template object for processing /ftl/ requests. The application modules invoked during request processing can access the templates in that object and define new templates. When a pm: template is compiled, a variable $ftl is defined with a reference to the template object being used for the request processing. When a @mod::sub directive invokes a subroutine in a module, the object reference is passed as the first argument to the subroutine.

When the application uses the $ftl reference to access the template object, it is running within the context of the template class. Direct accesses to the object are not overloaded. To get the overloaded template functionality, the tied hash methods must be used.
pm:example() <<
my $item1 = $ftl->{item}; #will not find item when no namespace included
my $item3 = $ftl->{'my:item'}; #item text before template processing
my $item2 = $ftl->FETCH('item'); #item text after template processing

$ftl->STORE('item', 'new text'); #item redefined

my ($name, $value) = $ftl->FIRSTKEY();
my ($name, $value) = $ftl->NEXTKEY();
my $val = $ftl->SCALAR();
$ftl->EXISTS('somekey') and dostuff();

return("text string");
The hash methods will access template definitions within the context of the namespace from which the pm: template or Perl module was referenced.

Application code can also create additional template objects for formatting any data for any purpose. A tie statement ties a hash to the template class. If a file name is included in the tie arguments, the template definitions in that file will be loaded into the hash. All accesses to the hash are overloaded with the template functionality.
my %hash;
my $obj;
$obj = tie(%hash, 'Text::Ftl', 'mydefs.ftl');
$hash{def1} = "some %def2% stuff";
$hash{def2} = "whatever";
my $text = $hash{def1};

Template Examples

The following examples illustrate how template processing works and how templates are used to build application modules.


def=Values are %d1% and %d2%.
Basic template definitions. Templates are name - value pairs. A value is any string of characters. A reference to a template is the template name delimited by '%' characters. A reference to template d1 returns a value of one. A reference to template def returns a value of Values are one and two.
t3(p1 p2)=%t1% with %p1% and %t2(%p2%)%

t4(param) <<
multiple lines
-- %t3(%param% xyz)% --
last line
A definition can include parameters. When referencing a template that requires parameters, values for the parameters must be included. When the template is referenced, a temporary template will be defined for each parameter name with the value supplied in the reference. When a definition specifies a count instead of a parameter list, the parameter templates will be named as 1_, 2_, 3_, etc.
A reference to %t4(abc)% will return -
multiple lines
-- string with abc and [xyz] --
last line
otherSpace:name1=other value
RAW:myData=my value
Templates can be organized within multiple namespaces. A special template :PACKAGE is used to define the current namespace (default is main:). A RAW: namespace is used for templates for which embedded directives will not be processed. An OUR: namespace is for templates that will be processed within the context of the invoking template.
:00= \x00
:FF= \xff
:t= \t
:r= \r
:n= \n
:f= \f
:e= \e
An unnamed namespace (:) is used by FTL to define internal templates.
pm:uc(str) <<
A pm: namespace is used for templates which are perl source code which will be compiled and executed when retrieved with the return value of the code replacing the reference to the template. If an error occurs when executing the code, a template FTL:PM:error will be defined with an error message as the template value.
Reads a template file or text from a template. All definitions in the file will be added to the current template object.
<filename defname Reads a text file or template and creates a template definition with the file text as the value.
>filename template Writes the processed template to the file.
-template Removes the template from the hash (deletes).
@pkg::sub string Calls perl code pkg::sub(\$ftl) passing the Ftl object. The string is passed as a template with the same name as the sub. The sub can get processed templates from the object and add new templates.
  Embedded directives are processed when a template is retrieved from the hash. An embedded directive or definition begins with a '%' character and ends at the end of the line. Embedded definitions can be the single line format only. For a directive that is a reference to another template, the template will be retrieved and will replace the directive.
%name(arg1 arg2)%
When the referenced template requires parameters, arguments must be supplied in the reference. If the argument list contains tabs (\t, or %t%), then the list is split on the tabs. Otherwise, the list is split on spaces. When space delimited, arguments containing spaces must be quoted with double quotes. If the number of arguments is less than the number of parameters, the reference will be replaced with an empty string. Temporary templates are defined for each of the specified parameters using the parameter name and the corresponding argument value. If the parameter list is specified as a count rather than a list of names, the parameter templates will be named with numbers as 1_, 2_, 3_ ...
  If the number of arguments supplied is greater than the parameter list, the argument list will be divided into multiple lists of the required number and the referenced template will be retrieved multiple times, once for each of the argument lists.
  If the name contains any substrings of the format .str, each str in the name will be replaced with the result of processing the template named str.
regexname=regex :: replacement If a Regex is specified in the reference, it will be used to perform a global substitution on the retrieved template string. Each substring in the template string matching the Regex will be replaced with the replacement. Any groups captured by the match will be defined as templates with names as 1_, 2_, 3_ ... The entire matching string will be defined as a template named 0_ . The replacement is defined as a template and then retrieved causing any embedded references to be processed.
  If the template reference begins with a "!", the retrieved template will be checked for content. If it is blank, it will be set to the string "1". If it is not blank, it will be set to an empty string.

Building Applications

Use the New function from the Developer page to create the base files for an application. The title will identify the application on the KuKu menu. The name will identify the application internally. There will be a folder in the src folder named for the application. The application files will be in that folder. An icon image file (temporary) for the KuKu menu will be in the images folder.

The New function creates three files in the new applications sub-folder. An image for the main menu will be added to the image folder named with the application name. The following files will be created:

yourapp.cfg The configuration file for the application
yourapp.ftl Main template file for the application A sample perl module for the application

Application development then begins. The application can be tested as development progresses.

Fundamental Page Structure

The initial template file created with the New function will have the minimum structure necessary for application pages. This can be edited to develope a custom KuKu application.

The template file begins with directives to read the KuKu global templates in the src/global.ftl file, and the templates from the applications configuration file.

Namespaces should be used to organize application templates. When a url references a template, the template name is assumed to be in the main: namespace. Definitions should be added at the beginning of the template file, which provide references to the templates associated with the names from the url's. If the application page templates are in the 'xyz:' namespace, the following definitions would provide the references needed (the default namespace at the beginning of the template file is main:).
The template main:page1 contains only a reference to xyz:page1. This effectivly redirects a url for /ftl/myapp/page1 to the template page1 in the xyz: namespace. The initial url issued when an application is started will refere to the template named main:index. The index template should be defined as a reference to the template for the first page the user is to see.

Maintaining user sessions requires some special components to be included in each web page produced by the application. Some global templates are provided to create the necessary page structure and components. (The global templates can be redefined so long as the minimum functionallity is retained). The template OUR:page is used for the main definition of a page. This template will reference other templates which define the content for the page.
    xyz:page1=%OUR:page(page1 "App First Page" "/ftl/xyz/page1")%
Three arguments are required. The first is the template name which will be used to reference other templates for this page. The second is the string which will be used for the <title> for the page. The third is the url which would be used to navigate to the page. OUR:page has references to two templates. The first argument is used to reference these templates. A template named head.page1 (optional) will be included in the <head> section of the web page. A template named body.page1 (required) will be included in the <body> section of the web page.

Distributing Applications

Use the Release function on the Developer page to create a release package. The package will be in the install folder. The KuKu file manager is used to download the package to other systems and upload the package to other KuKu systems where it is to be installed. It is uploaded to the install folder and then installed with the Install function on the Developer page.

Application Demonstration Package

A demo package is included which demonstrates most of the features of the template processor and the overall design of a KuKu application. To install, go to the Install page in the Developer. Click on the entry for Demo - System Information. The package will be installed in the src/infodemo folder.

SQLite Demonstration Package

A demo package is included to show how to use SQLite databases with the template processor. To install, go to the Install page in the Developer. Click on the entry for Demo - SQLite. The package will be installed in the src/sqlitedemo folder. (See for documentation).

Google TV

Although Google TV is Android, KuKu cannot run on Google TV systems. The use of the NDK is not supported for building Google TV applications. KuKu uses the Perl compiler and runtime system, which are compiled as a dynamic link library, and accessed from Java programs using the JNI interface. This requires the use of the Android NDK.

All file contents are © Copyright Codatech, Inc. 2003-2016. All rights reserved.